Homes Victoria Markham Ave, Ashburton
Value: $69m
Client: Homes Victoria
Architect: Architectus
Completion date: December 2022

The project will deliver 178 new homes, 111 social and 67 affordable dwellings spread across five buildings ranging between three to four residential storeys. Situated next to Gardiners Creek, the landscaping throughout the development will seek to enhance its connection within the leafy suburb of Ashburton.
This project will create more homes for more Victorians and create over 800 new jobs. Built’s social procurement commitments to diversity and inclusion, job creation for Victorians from all walks of life, and extending its supply chain network will ensure project spending is thoughtful, impactful, and lasting.
Several commitments include:
- achieving a minimum 40% of women in Built’s project team across all levels, including director and executive level and in decision-making roles
- employing at least two people with a disability within the project delivery team, including subcontractors
- directly engaging at least five social benefit suppliers (Aboriginal businesses, Australian Disability Enterprises or Victorian Social Enterprises) as part of the procurement process.
The project’s environmentally sustainable design is targeting 5 Star Green Star rating and 7-star NatHERS rating.