Australian War Memorial Aircraft Hall
Value: $272k
Client: Australian War Memorial
Architect: FRD
Completion date: May 2020

This project constituted preliminary works ahead of the AWM Development Project which provided additional exhibition capacity to enable the Memorial to effectively tell the stories of Australian experiences of conflict and operations, in a manner that preserves the national significance of the Memorial whilst enhancing the visitor experience.
The mezzanine located in Aircraft Hall, and the National Collection items within the mezzanine, were removed to make way for a flexible space to serve functions. The mezzanine structure was carefully dismantled around the existing priceless aircraft within the space and Built were on hand to assist with the methodologies to isolate and lower the Mosquito aircraft as one of the last items to be removed.
Works took place whilst the AWM remained open to the public with clear access paths maintained, this included the link between the main Memorial building and the Hall of Valour. Floor protection and wall protection was installed, and careful dust management techniques were employed to protect the building and National Collection.